Move Into New Fulfillment Center
Did you know Kings Loot has just acquired a fulfillment center?
This big event happened for us in late April and required a lot of work. Fortunately for us, we hired the ideal warehouse manager to get us up and running: Utah-native Joel.
Joel grew up working in a warehouse for his parent’s company. At 17, he became the warehouse and production manager and oversaw all production, quality control, purchasing, managing & training employees, and shipping & receiving. His previous experience made him the perfect fit for his new role at Kings Loot.
We sat down with Joel to learn more about this journey.
What was the process of setting up the new fulfillment center?
“We moved fast once we decided we were going to do it. The process happened in one month. We ordered equipment, had to set up the software. I worked two weeks straight just setting that up. Then we had to receive the inventory, set up the warehouse, and actually launch.”

What brought you to kings loot & kings fulfillment? - “I knew Joshua, the CEO, through a friend. I saw an interview that he did and reached out to him. Initially, I joined as an investor and now me and my wife both work for him.”
What does your day to day look like? - "I am responsible for managing and receiving inventory as well as shipping all the orders out to customers each day. I enjoy my role. I’m analytical so I am able to think through all the processes.”
What is an interesting fact about the warehouse? - "We use an Xbox accessibility controller for automation and to limit movement. The technology is really cool. It allows us to press a single button and have multiple tasks accomplished. "
How do you think having our shipping in-house is going to better benefit Kings Loot customers? - “In-house shipping will help expedite shipping services to our customers while eliminating mistakes with orders. Our main priority is attentiveness and efficiency. We want to give the customers the best experience from the time they place the order to the time it is in their hands. Orders that come in by 2 pm MST now go out on the same day. It is a much smoother process.”

When Joel isn't working in our warehouse he likes to tour the country with his wife, dogs, and cat. He is always looking for the next adventure or opportunity to serve people whether that be through work or everyday life. His everyday carry is the Mini 2.0 with the quick release keychain.