5 Ways To Live Life Abundantly
At Kings Loot we chose to live life abundantly. It is a motto that we reflect throughout our company and in our personal lives.
We are on a mission to empower others through our business so that they too can be intentional about their living. We all have the opportunity, it is time we take initiative and make it happen. We sat down with our CEO Joshua Stephens to hear the ways he chooses to live life abundantly.
1. Have A Wealthy Mindset
I know the first thing that comes to mind when I say wealthy may be money. I want to give you a different perspective every time you hear the word wealthy. A friend of mine explained this to me years ago and it changed my mindset on how to truly live this way. He explained to me the meaning of wealth. He said, “the very definition of wealth is ‘to be in need of nothing’.” The eminent thing to me about living life abundantly is that we can be wealthy or ‘in need of nothing’ throughout our daily lives. This can be applied to all areas of your life, not just finances. Wealthy in your health, in your wellbeing, and inner-self. When I think of living life abundantly I think of wealth in the sense that I am in need of nothing. Everything that I need has been supplied and is sufficient.

2. Know Your Identity
There was a time in my life that I wasn’t living life abundantly and that led to three things: fear, lack, and scarcity. It impacted me greatly. Something had to shift and that was my identity. The way to get your identity to shift is the renewal of your mind. The real change happened when I truly understood who I was. I believe that the only thing standing between where you are and where you want to be is the way you see yourself. When you see yourself like a king, you prosper like a king. This comes from the heart, an identity that develops over time from learning who I actually was. Understanding that the purpose, mission, and gifts placed in me weren’t for me, but for others around me.
3. Surround Yourself With People That Have An Abundant Mindset
Enveloping yourself with others that are like-minded is really helpful for growth. It rubs off and they will help guide you in a positive direction, up towards higher places! People will come into your life that are purposed there to help inspire and build you up. Who you surround yourself with will help encourage this decision: do I want to continue living the way that I am, or do I want to try something new to produce new results.

4. Change Your Definition Of Success
What if we changed our definition of success? What if success was not defined by the materials and assets we owned, but by our faithfulness. Kings Loot focuses on being faithful towards how we treat our staff and customers. Towards customers we help to engage in abundance by offering things like lifetime replacement and an awesome unpacking experience.
In Kings Loot, our employees are family. We always encourage each other and do things outside of work together. The business is successful because our employees have grown in life, not just in the company. Our goal is not to hold onto everyone forever, but to disciple leaders. When they go off to do what they are called to do, they are better equipped than when they started here.
5. Love People Always
We are a growth minded company and love people. We have a statement here in the office, ‘We put people before tasks.’ It is necessary to prioritize people because their well-being is more meaningful to us! The most important thing in this world are people so it is crucial to steward them well. It is what makes society function, businesses run, communities come together; it is people. Without people there is no purpose.

The life you want is the life you can have. It’s never too late to start carrying yourself differently. Click here to learn more about our products.